All Aboard the Performance Truck!

And just who IS Ron Ehmke, anyway? He's a writer, performer, media artist, curator,  archivist, editor, minister, and other things. He often refers to himself in the third person. This site is a work-in-progress, but so is life itself, so keep stopping by and see if anything has happened since your last visit.





Welcome to
the virtual home of writer/performer/curator/editor/media artist
Ron Ehmke
AND  The Performance Truck,
the folks behind  Choose Yer Own AdvenTours, The World's Smallest Disco,
& other mobile entertainments.

(the boring/not-fun kind)
IN OUR, AHEM, Online Media Presence.
Bear with us as we sort things out.
For the latest PERFORMANCE TRUCK updates, visit our Facebook or Twitter pages
(both @ThePerformanceTruck).
Check back here often for improvements to the site!


The (latest) GOOD NEWS as of : 
We now have a crude but effective Facebook page! Currently the best way to keep abreast (teehee) of the Performance Truck's comings and goings in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Will YOU be one of the first adventurous souls to like/follow/fellate/worship/objectify it? 

The (latest, and relatively minor) BAD NEWS:
Due to too many factors too far beyond our control (looking at you, Allen Street construction, as the Straw That Broke the PerfTruck's Back) we are obliged to POSTPONE our First Friday appearance in Allentown on August 2 till another month. But it’s full steam ahead for our rooftop visit on Saturday, August 3 from 1-4 p.m. to the Broadway Market in Wydajna Ciężarówka! (That's the closest Paula and I could get to Polish for "Performance Truck." It actually translates back into English as "Efficient Truck," which I love even more, because when you are attempting to offer 2-6 different live bespoke on-the-spot mini-performances in the back of a Town & Country van, ya gotta be as efficient AF.)

SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 we will be SOMEWHERE IN BUFFALO. Details TBA; watch FB and Twitter for updates. Maybe here, too, maybe not.